bilaketa aurreratua

Dokumentu mota:
Data: /
bilaketa arrunta
oharra: Bilaketan edozertarako karaktereak erabil daitezke:
— Puntuak (“.”) edozein karaktere ordezkatzen du. Adibidez:
“Larra..o” → “Larratxo” / “Larracho”
— Kortxete arteko karaktereak alternatiboak dira. Adibidez:
“Arza[kcq]” → “Arzak” / “Arzac” / “Arzaq”
[89 Kb]
Signatura: L20600
Data: 1939-04-26
Dokumentu mota: Artxibo-dokumentua
Hizkuntza: Gaztelania
Iturria: Ion Urrestarazu Parada
Ezaugarriak: Alemaniako eta Italiako jarduerak Espainiako iparraldean (txostena)
Oharrak: Gerra Zibila. Guerra Civil. Archive collection Archives of the Trades Union congress Archive folder Spanish Rebellion : Correspondence 1938-1939 Document reference: 292/946/12b/45(ii) Document title: German and Italian activities in Northern Spain (report) Issuing organisation: Euzkadi Ordezkaritza Document date 26 April 39 Copyright status Copyright: Basque Government. File size: 314kb Image number: 012b-0045-002 Date: 1939-04-26 Transkripzioa: The following information regarding recent German and Italian activities in the Basque Country has been received by the Basque Governement from reliable sources. Concentration of Troops The bicycle factory of LOINAZ, at ALZA, near PASAJES (GUIPUZCOA) has been converted into a barracks for a military enginee unit. On the 9th instant, the warehouses of the port of PASAJES were fitted up as barracks, in which engineers who were lately at SAN SEBASTIAN have been quartered. These soldiers belong to the 1927 recruiting class and their tranfer seems to be a part of a wider plan of concentration, according to which further troop concentrations have taken place at several points near the Pyrenees.
Sortak: Gerra Zibila
Iruzkinak / Zuzenketak
es | eu
[89 Kb]
Signatura: L20600
Data: 1939-04-26
Dokumentu mota: Artxibo-dokumentua
Hizkuntza: Gaztelania
Iturria: Ion Urrestarazu Parada
Ezaugarriak: Alemaniako eta Italiako jarduerak Espainiako iparraldean (txostena)
Oharrak: Gerra Zibila. Guerra Civil. Archive collection Archives of the Trades Union congress Archive folder Spanish Rebellion : Correspondence 1938-1939 Document reference: 292/946/12b/45(ii) Document title: German and Italian activities in Northern Spain (report) Issuing organisation: Euzkadi Ordezkaritza Document date 26 April 39 Copyright status Copyright: Basque Government. File size: 314kb Image number: 012b-0045-002 Date: 1939-04-26 Transkripzioa: The following information regarding recent German and Italian activities in the Basque Country has been received by the Basque Governement from reliable sources. Concentration of Troops The bicycle factory of LOINAZ, at ALZA, near PASAJES (GUIPUZCOA) has been converted into a barracks for a military enginee unit. On the 9th instant, the warehouses of the port of PASAJES were fitted up as barracks, in which engineers who were lately at SAN SEBASTIAN have been quartered. These soldiers belong to the 1927 recruiting class and their tranfer seems to be a part of a wider plan of concentration, according to which further troop concentrations have taken place at several points near the Pyrenees.
Sortak: Gerra Zibila
Iruzkinak / Zuzenketak


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